So, it’s 1987 or so, you’re a 26-year-old male; you’ve spent six months or so living in an apartment bedroom, a roomer, after breaking up with your girlfriend, whom you never should have gotten involved with in the first place.
When not alone in your room or working, you’ve spent your time, usually evenings, at the local bars drinking and listening to the jukebox
临时邮箱配合Chrome插件无限使用梯子 - 菊部制造:2021-3-1 · 临时邮箱配合Chrome 浏览器插件达成无限科学上网 梯子基本上是刚需现在,最近在入门 Python,看教程搜教程使用 Google 比较频繁,自己虽然有 Vultr 搭的梯子,但是最近好像 DNS 出了点问题,要换成1.1.1.1速度才能稍快些,为什么这里不敢深究 ...
临时邮箱配合Chrome插件无限使用梯子 - 菊部制造:2021-3-1 · 临时邮箱配合Chrome 浏览器插件达成无限科学上网 梯子基本上是刚需现在,最近在入门 Python,看教程搜教程使用 Google 比较频繁,自己虽然有 Vultr 搭的梯子,但是最近好像 DNS 出了点问题,要换成1.1.1.1速度才能稍快些,为什么这里不敢深究 ...
In your first week of living back in this ex-girlfriend’s apartment, while she screws another guy overseas, you’re totally depressed about the change in circumstance but still longing for some rockin’ honky-tonk.
One night, with no cable, you’re flipping through TV channels, a video comes on from an out-of-town TV channel that you never get usually — suddenly, for no explainable reason, you’re watching this video, grainy and distorted, on a black-and-white TV screen. Wow.
You’ve never heard of this Dwight Yoakam dude.
— this would rock your world, don’t you think?
2021手机可用翻墙梯子 by 谷歌怎么挂梯子教程
I listen to a lot of bad new music so you don’t have to, always searching for great new songs. I keep a constantly rotating playlist of my iPhone of Top 50 New Songs. When I decide a song is worthy, I move it to my Best Downloads playlist. Tonight, I culled the 2017 entries on that list and picked out what are the best songs of 2017.
I didn’t do a list in 2016 and the song below came out more than a year ago, but the Soft White Sixties dominated a lot of my listening time in 2017, so I wanted to share. Great band from San Francisco. They did release a new album at the end of 2017, but I’ve not absorbed it all yet.
The Soft White Sixties “Sorry to Say”
If I were going to go with a best new band of 2017, I’d pick the Dead Pretties. Only two songs out so far. I can’t wait to hear more from these new Brit punks.
Posted on by Howard Owens
I skipped out on doing a Best Photos of 2016. Here’s 20 of my best from 2017.
Posted on by Howard Owens
These are what I consider my best 100 photos of 2015.
Posted on by Howard Owens
Posted on by Howard Owens
手机怎么搭梯子到外网 by Howard Owens
Posted on by Howard Owens
Posted on by Howard Owens
Posted on by Howard Owens
New Music: Dave Alvin and Phil Alvin, The World is in a Bad Condition
Posted on by 手机谷歌怎么挂梯子教程
New Music: Vintage Trouble, Run Like the River
Posted on by Howard Owens
Howard Owens is a digital media pioneer. He started publishing local news online in 1995 when very few local news outlets had web sites. The header image on the site depicts the film camera he used early in his career and the press pass from his year on the staff of the Carlsbad Journal.
For more on Howard's professional background, read his LinkedIn profile is the personal web site of Howard Owens and covers his range of interests, including music, literature, and politics.
Howard is currently publisher of The Batavian and lives in Batavia, N.Y., with his wife Billie, three cats and his dog "Rocky."
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